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白桑與雛菊 FRANK & MARY
October 13th, 2020
This is about helping and helped. The relationship between these two sweet people is strong and different from a couple. They should be a couple; instead, they are satisfied with just family-like friends.

October 21st, 2020
小菊是個非常照顧朋友的人。她愛著她的朋友們, 給予他們愛、友情和支持。也因為這樣,她的朋友們也回報相同的愛。但是,有些變化在她的朋友們相遇時漸漸發生了。
Daisy is always caring for her friends. She loves her friends and wants to give them her love, friendship, support, and everything else. Because of this, her friends love her the way she loves them. However, there is something happening between her friends and her.

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